Let's be real, Pierce and I suck at communicating what's going on in our lives and tend to keep things pretty private. With this being such an exciting time, we'll be documenting all the fun (and not so fun) along the way for friends and family to stay connected! Super efficient, right?
January 15th, 2023
4 weeks (1 mo)
Today, we went on a hike with our friend Tyler Forst so our pups could meet! Throughout the hike, I noticed I was more winded than usual and incredibly hungry the whole time! At first, I chalked it up to being lazy and inactive considering I hibernate like a bear for the winter, but was immediately sus when I went to order food for delivery and instead opted to MAKE a grilled Chicken Caesar salad. WHAT. Took a test just for kicks and voila, pregnant!
"SOOOOO, it says I'm pregnant!" Joy? Excitement? Trepidation? We felt all of the above. Were we planning for this? Absolutely! Was it suddenly 100000% real? You bet your sweet ass it was!
January 23rd, 2023
5 weeks (1 mo, 1 wk)
Even though it's only the first trimester, I got a pregnancy pillow (amongst other comfort-related items for pregnancy) and oh my God what a game changer! Need to find a creative solution for packing this bad boy with me everywhere I travel because it will never leave my side, during pregnancy or otherwise!
January 26th, 2023
5 weeks (1 mo, 1 wk)
So.... I caved and bought myself a Stanley! I know, I've become #basicaf and I will be the first to shamefully admit it! Although it is a essentially the same thing as every other hydroflask out there, the 40 oz capacity was a huge selling feature and considering my water consumption is reaching 200 oz per day (120 oz per day/80 oz per night) to mitigate the cramping and nausea, I'll take whatever I can get! Plus, I'm very sleepy and lazy these days so the straw makes it super easy to drink while laying down. Don't @ me, you try making organs - it's exhausting!
February 14th, 2023
8 weeks (2 mo)
Headed to our first ultrasound! We hope its human!
All jokes aside, we were relieved to find out everything was looking great and implantation was successful! Did you know that nearly 20% or women experience miscarriages within the first 10 weeks??? And that's only the documented cases! With so many new symptoms and a lot of unclear information on whats 'normal', there was a lot of worries about potentially being ectopic or having a miscarriage. Our brave faces showcase the mixed bag of emotions we were feeling - nervousness for what could be wrong but also, relief to finally have some answers.
March 7th, 2023
11 weeks (2 mos, 3 wks)
During my first OB-GYN appointment, they did a quick ultrasound and I was giddy to see a little human in there! Couldn’t believe how much movement was already happening without my knowledge as the baby kicked and jumped all over the screen! I wish your dad was here to share this feeling - if only I knew we'd get to see you today!
April 21st, 2023
18 weeks (4 mo, 2 wks)
Baby bump has officially arrived! It's getting super real!
April 25th, 2023
18 weeks (4 mo, 2 wks)
What once doubled as the guestroom and my office (and household dumping ground) will now begin its transformation to the nursery! Sold the bedframe and working on clearing out all the miscellaneous decor, but I got paint samples up
May 2nd, 2023
19 weeks (4 mo, 3 wks)
Anatomy Scan Ultrasound on Tuesday, and it's official: GIRL!!! She was moving the whole time and the word "Wild Child" was used by the tech as she had to chase her during the appointment. We'll just add that to the list under "Stubborn" as words used to describe her so far.
Sloan Letha Coleman, you're going to give your parents a run for their money!
May 7th, 2023
20 weeks (5 mo)
I had a specific vision for a feature wall and Pierce brought my idea to fruition - he's so talented! Next step: wood filler, light sanding, and then paint!
May 12th, 2023
21 weeks (5 mo, 1 wk)
I'm feeling really round! Definitely utilizing the pregnancy pillow and air conditioning as a lifeline
May 13th, 2023
21 weeks (5 mo, 1 wk)
Since I have more time these days (and because I'm a crazy person), I've been very involved in helping plan the baby shower hosted by my Mother-in-Law and Megan Blackburn. Invites came out beautifully and have officially been mailed out today! If only I could reserve a large event space so I could invite everyone who has been so influential to the journey that has led us here!
May 14th, 2023
21 weeks (5 mo, 1 wk)
Mother's Day hit a little hard this year. On the surface, getting text messages and hearing people saying "Happy Mother's Day!" to me was SUPER weird and unexpected... in a nice way of course! But on a deeper level, the thought of becoming a mother while simultaneously losing my mom in the same year has been an emotional roller coaster ride ever since finding out we were expecting. Not having her here through it and knowing my daughter will only know her through stories has been a heartbreaking reality that creeps up on me on any given day. But I know she's here with me, because this little girl, who spends her evenings kicking, rolling, and standing on my bladder, embodies all the fiesty independence my mother was known for. I know she will reflect my mom in so many ways and I cannot wait to meet her.
Tell me why I have a sneaking suspicion this wild child will make her debut a week early on my mother's birthday: September 15th.
May 24th, 2023
22 weeks (5 mo, 2 wks)
Dad felt you kick this morning and low-key freaked out. .. It was glorious. Apparently, his dream of you playing baseball/softball may need to pivot to soccer cause she's kicking like crazy!
May 31st, 2023
23 weeks (5 mo, 3 wks)
Had Sloan as a special guest for our coalition Leadership training retreat (name badge and all!), bringing together key stakeholders from across Oregon. With so many powerhouse women present, it was an important reminder that imposter syndrome sneaks up on all of us despite our expertise, credentials, and professional success. As your mom, I hope I can enstill the confidence and self-efficacy to silence that voice of doubt because I know you will be so much more than that
June 9th, 2023
25 weeks (6 mo, 1 wk)
The dreaded glucose test has come! Between the fasting, chugging a melted lime otter pop, 3 blood draws, and spending an eternity sitting in a lab waiting room, I can safely say this sucks. As someone who has had a lifetime of sensitivity to blood sugar levels (both high and low), I knew this was going to knock me on my ass and guess what - it did! The whole rest of the day was spent super nauseous and sickly. In addition to my lifetime sugar sensitivity, my mother had Gestational Diabetes while pregnant with me so I'm pretty much expecting the same diagnosis. Hooorayyyyy!
June 15th, 2023
25 weeks (6 mo, 2 wks)
Had first baby shower and omg all the cute things!! Hosted by my colleague Jessica Kelley, all my work friends gathered at Heathen Brewing (so fitting, lol) to spoil baby Sloan with all the adorable things. Amongst all the sweet little outfits and baby gear was the Toddler Nike shoes that made me swoon - it's wild to think how fast they grow up and start walking! ! So thankful for such amazing work friends that pitched in to celebrate baby Sloan today and for the very generous gift of a glider chair that has already given so much comfort